We had our "Recall" this past weekend which is basically our yearly college homecoming. There weren't as many people as I had hoped but I did get to spend some time with some dear friends that I rarely get to see. One of my very best friends from high school and I (Amy) both skipped our senior years of high school to start college early. Our parents both worked there which probably helped. We were 17 and thought we were so cool to be in college. In hindsight I think I wish I would have stayed for that senior year and done a few things differently, but in the end I am happy to be where I am now. Who knows what different path my life may have taken if I hadn't what I had. Amy and I have managed to stay in touch somewhat over the years, but hadn't really connected until last summer at our high school reunion. After coming here this weekend her husband told her that she really needed to stop dragging him to these reunions if she was only coming to see me and that we should just get together on our own. He's right, of course, and I hope we can do that soon!

Amy and I at Casino Night.

Jamie and Amy Mackie
I also got to see Barry Milam and his sister Amy. Amy married Kyle Johnson who I went to high school with. Small world. They are all living in San Antonio now, but I still haven't seen them since college. It was so much fun. I hope we get a chance to see each other more often!

Sara and Barry Milam and Amy (Milam) and Kyle Johnson.
Amy and I at Casino Night.
Jamie and Amy Mackie
I also got to see Barry Milam and his sister Amy. Amy married Kyle Johnson who I went to high school with. Small world. They are all living in San Antonio now, but I still haven't seen them since college. It was so much fun. I hope we get a chance to see each other more often!
Sara and Barry Milam and Amy (Milam) and Kyle Johnson.
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